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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Re: Re: How do we come to trust our memories?

Matt Gallagher

My argument is that we trust memories because they are the only forms of truth that we believe cannot be faked. Everything else can be faked. A paper we wrote, a scar we have. If a creator chose to manipulate our thoughts, time becomes irrelevant. What we perceive as time is rendered useless.

What I'm insinuating is a hypothetical world where a single creator has full control. We as the created can not rely solely on our memories to establish our relevance in the world. This is bec if our memories (and everything else) can be manipulated, then we would never know our place. A fictitious existence.

I should backtrack. You touched on us having to rely on what we have impacted, effected, or created. In my initial theory, this is all effectible and can be manipulated by the creator. It in fact manipulatable by us even. That is why memory remains the single item we are able to trust. If the creator can manipulate our memory then our existence is falsified.

Where you are taking this is interesting too. My initial thoughts, as stated above, is that there is an all powerful creator manipulating everything at a molecular level. What you are saying is that maybe it is power over only memory. Where matter cannot me manipulated. In that essence I think time would remain a constant. By simply removing or adding memory would only alter our personal recollection of the timeline we are on, not change it. My initial theory is of a manipulating timeline, through changing memory and matter. Changing our beings themselves.

If the creator has complete control then there would be no need to take memories from one and place them in another. What I'm saying is that our existence could be no more then seconds old. The creator "pops" us into existence and populates us with memories of our past lives. We would never know yet we would have a fake timeline that is so believable simply because we remember it. Using this theory, I am trying to say that the only truth that we can use to attempt to argue our existence is that of our memories. Everything else cannot be believed or trusted and in that regard neither can our memories. Our memories though, as fictitious as they may be, are the only items that prove our existence, regardless of how old we are.

Thank you for listening,


Anonymous said...

ur great!!!

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