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Monday, November 8, 2010

The Advancement of Mankind


Dillon Wheeler

Do you think there was ever an advanced civilization of humans before us? Or perhaps an alternate reality in which we are much more advanced than we presently are? It is definitely something to ponder.

(Thinking: It's good for you!)

It has been said (and by logic this holds truth) that we only know a small fraction of our past history. Now think about it. All of what we know is because there has been things left behind. Artifacts, fossils, buried cities, rock carvings, all of these things is what has shaped our image of history. Past civilizations represented by clay pottery. Primitive stone axes representing

agriculture. It's all their, and we like to think (like to think as in we have CLAIMED) that everything we know is true. Now my question is, what if that is not true? What if what we truly know is much more than anthropologists, geologists, and whatever other ologists, tell the media? Write in the history books? What if there was that fabled atlantis?

(This is our history as we are told)

One day I was sitting in my seventh grade science class, It was an average day, nothing out of the ordinary, but I can't be sure about that, I wasn't paying much attention to my teacher. That is, until he told our class something that would be more important that anything else in my life. He once told me a story about an island, during the Greek or Roman era's, that was extremely advanced for it's time. He claimed they had running water, hot tubs, imagine that, hot tubs! flushing toilets, and many other pleasantries you and I take for granted in our advanced day and age. He told me the name of them, which I can not recall now. The point is, here we are, many centuries ago, and there is this island with all this advanced technology, how did they get it? Where did it come from? Were these people that brilliant and innovative or did someone help them? I don't know the answers to these questions. Nevertheless, catastrophe struck this island, wiping out everyone on it. What hit them? I am not sure, I don't think anthropologists are either. I think I was told that they believed it was a hurricane, or some other natural disaster, but truthfully, it could have been anything.

(Could this island have been Atlantis?)

My point of that story was, all we know of that advanced civilization, was that in our eyes they were far ahead of there time in the water and piping department, because, of what we have recovered. We have absolutely no idea how advanced this civilization could have been, running water today, electricity, combustible engines tomorrow?

How far advanced would this civilization have been, if it were not wiped off the face of the Earth? Would we be where we are now? That was technology that was not replicated for centuries! imagine the technology there could and would have been today.

It would be above our wildest imaginations, beyond anything we could ever envisioned. I know this because if these people were able to create that kind of technological advances, they must have had help from another possibly alien race. And we know, for an alien race to reach us, they need to be far ahead of where we even are now.

Another little thing I want to add, albeit a bit goofy, maybe they had the technology all along, (like somewhere down the line they advanced as we did now, but isolated) and these people were so advanced that they had discovered time-travel. With their ability to travel through time, perhaps they had gone back in time, and taught them how to create the technology that would lead to their advancements, and then an undetected natural disaster struck, wiping out these people, and therefore there future selves. Hahaha.


Dillon Wheeler


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