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Sunday, October 24, 2010
But A Simple Dream, Or Is It?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Ever Adapting
Broken Down
My Enemy
Im so beaten,
but continue to fight,
all that I want,
is one more night.
Maybe its wrong,
Maybe right,
but either way
it all ends tonight.
Things are changing,
and despite my best efforts,
I don't have the power to stop it.
Thats what is hard,
I feel like I failed in some way,
I feel like your slipping away.
All I can do is just keep thinking,
about what could have been,
but eventually I snap back to reality,
and I realise what is.
And reality is,
I am the man in the dark,
kept there,
but in truth,
I like it.
I am nothing,
A mere puppet of fate,
A man who knows free will,
but has escaped his grasp.
I have no power,
No control,
What is and what will be,
Is not decided by me.
My struggle is fruitless,
My plight is pointless,
And my fight is finished.
I fought while I could still fight,
It's like im suffocating,
fading into the darkness.
I've become what I can't be.
Falling into madness,
Descending into hell,
Drowning in the depths of pain,
But I love it.
I am a prophet of truth,
A harbinger of what is real,
And whats real is hopelessness.
There is no light at the end of the tunnel,
Hope only exists in fairytales,
There is only pain.
I have learned to accept my fate,
because it is all I'll ever know.
I am now an emissary of pain,
An ambassador of anger,
And its time darlin',
Are you ready to go?
Computations within the cloud
Matt Gallagher
I very much like the concept posed towards the end. Subconscious connection of masses. Cloud computing if you will. Minds conjoined to sew the very fabrics of time. An evolution of the sub conscious over time to protect itself. This allows for the assumption that you and I and they exist and our interactions are not falsified, just simulated. Maybe our physical manifestation is nothing more than a subconscious portrayal of what we used to be. A portrayal of a body that now ceases to exist. If our current state of mind allows us to virtualize existence as we know it and manifest it as a dream, then an evolved mind could potentially live fully immersed in the virtualization or dream world.
A reply to “How do I know my existence is real?”
I wrote this reply in the “heat of the moment” and I don’t necessarily agree or disagree with anything I have written here, it is merely an immediate “gut” reaction to Matt’s blog entry. So bare with me. I thought to post it because well, it’s a blog I use to post my thoughts at the moment, right or wrong, true or untrue, it does not matter. I like it for the ability to go back and reflect upon my thinking. So take this reply for what you will. If you like it great, if not, oh well.
- Dillon Wheeler
There seems to me to be a parallel between your experiences and mine, which i wrote in “Scientific Philosophy: Time” such that I could not differentiate moments in time, and
you can not differentiate between consciousness and unconsciousness.
You say your perception of reality of reali
ty is no longer valid. Very interesting. I think the question here is not “Am I awake or am I sleeping?” but rather “Does extreme fatigue blur the lines between consciousness and unconsciousness?”
Let’s take a look at this question.
Does extreme fatigue blur the lines between consciousness and unconsciousness. In order to make a determination, we must first experiment. The hardest part is over as you have done so.
Now, as you had previously mentioned, you had consumed two energy drinks, for your class to which they had no effect until much later. Now, you claim you were awake until the morning, but you can not be sure. So let’s examine this.
“One might pose the possibility that I am currently asleep.” - I will assume that you mean you, yourself might pose the possibility, as if you are asleep, everyone else is a figment of your mind. Conceived by your mind alone.
“Maybe my reality is merely a dream my subconscious has created to mask the fact that I have not maintained consciousness.” - If this were true, my reply would be something your mind would have conceived, not truly MY words. Now while this may true, the old adage, “I think, therefore I am.” instinctively comes to my mind, for this case anyways. Very poor argument, but all I can think of lol.
“What indication in my current state proves my existence?” - Well by the simple fact that if you are dreaming, you would exist, somewhere.
“My senses cannot be trusted” - True, they can not, but by what sense?
“I can ask the person beside me b
ut their answer may be simple a projection of my subconscious.” - Again I go to the, “I think, therefore I am.” all the while it is feasible and probable that their answer is a simple projection of your subconscious.
“If all aspects of reality cannot be trusted then what may I use to wake up? I am helpless. Left to wait for my reality to break apart as a dream would, waiting for the believable to become the unbelievable.” - This is a question philosophers have pondered for centuries. We have no way of distinguishing reality and sleep. The deeper question is how do we know either of them are true?
“Once the dreamer awakes, he is able to see the dream for what it is. So then whats to say the dream’s flaws are only realized after the fact?” AND “With this theory, then, my process of waiting for the unbelievable does not apply. I will only realize my reality a dream, after I awa
ke from it.” - How do we know that the dreamer has awoke? Could it not be possible that awaking, is for lack of a better term, “Dreaming”? Perhaps what we think of as reality and consciousness is but merely a place our minds go to “relax”, and that in which we perceive as “dreaming” is our hosts “waking up” and in turn, forces us to dream, not aware of our true conscious.
Conclusion: In the sense of reality, think of it as a universal station for all minds to connect to each other. We don’t know and we can’t know; at present. Therefore, the lines between reality and dreaming have always been blurred, there is no distinction between them. You are neither awake nor asleep, conscious or unconscious as far as we can tell.
Dillon Wheeler
how do i know my existence is real?
Matt Gallagher
I made a mistake last night. My intentions were noble as I downed two energy drinks as the clock struck 9 pm. My goal: to achieve alertness during my evening class. This did not work. To my dismay, the effects kicked in some time around midnight, keeping me wide eyed until the morning; or so i thought.
One might pose the possibility that I am currently asleep. My perception of reality is no longer valid. The world I inhabit nothing more than a vivid recreation of the subconscious. Maybe my reality is merely a dream my subconscious has created to mask the fact that I have not maintained consciousness. What indication in my current state proves my existence? My senses cannot be trusted. My memories as mentioned in previous posts cannot me trusted. I can ask the person beside me but their answer may be simply a projection of my subconscious. If all aspects of reality cannot be trusted then what may I use to wake up? I am helpless. Left to wait for my reality to break apart as a dream would, waiting for the believable to become the unbelievable. As in a dream, the projected reality is perceived as real and untainted only until the dreamscape is broken. Once the dreamer awakes, he is able to see the dream for what it is. So then whats to say the dream's flaws are only realized after the fact? Possibly the unbelievable is completely believable within the context of the dream, leaving it as close to reality as possible.
With this theory, then, my process of waiting for the unbelievable does not apply. I will only realize my reality a dream, after I awake from it.
thank you for listening,
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Re: Re: How do we come to trust our memories?
What I'm insinuating is a hypothetical world where a single creator has full control. We as the created can not rely solely on our memories to establish our relevance in the world. This is bec if our memories (and everything else) can be manipulated, then we would never know our place. A fictitious existence.
I should backtrack. You touched on us having to rely on what we have impacted, effected, or created. In my initial theory, this is all effectible and can be manipulated by the creator. It in fact manipulatable by us even. That is why memory remains the single item we are able to trust. If the creator can manipulate our memory then our existence is falsified.
Where you are taking this is interesting too. My initial thoughts, as stated above, is that there is an all powerful creator manipulating everything at a molecular level. What you are saying is that maybe it is power over only memory. Where matter cannot me manipulated. In that essence I think time would remain a constant. By simply removing or adding memory would only alter our personal recollection of the timeline we are on, not change it. My initial theory is of a manipulating timeline, through changing memory and matter. Changing our beings themselves.
If the creator has complete control then there would be no need to take memories from one and place them in another. What I'm saying is that our existence could be no more then seconds old. The creator "pops" us into existence and populates us with memories of our past lives. We would never know yet we would have a fake timeline that is so believable simply because we remember it. Using this theory, I am trying to say that the only truth that we can use to attempt to argue our existence is that of our memories. Everything else cannot be believed or trusted and in that regard neither can our memories. Our memories though, as fictitious as they may be, are the only items that prove our existence, regardless of how old we are.
Thank you for listening,
In reply to: "How do we come to trust our memories?"
Dillon Wheeler
Very interesting concept, sounds like the plot of a movie I once watched. I think it could be the truth. Implanting memories and destroying real ones could be a real business. But as you said, that is the only way we measure the past, that is true, but what about things we have done to the world that are still the way they are. See, doesn’t work, but I just walked myself into a trap, as those things we thought we did, could have been done by the person who’s memories we captured and think of as our own. In fact, it would not be possible to measure the past if not for memories. Our trust in memory does have some weight though, for example, you could remember being injured by something, and could have the scars to show it. It would have to be in the past by the presence of the scar. Although the memory may or may not be true as to how you were injured, the injury would be true, and as for being written out, that seems very possible. Written in, - fake memories. Written out, in that sense would be artificially losing all of your memories - thereby reducing you to nothing. Just a shell. You - being your consciousness, or, “spirit”. thats a real mind twister, perhaps you had someone close to you, who was “written out” and your memories of him have been changed to memories of someone else, a sleeper agent of sorts. Think about it.
Over and out,
how do we come to trust our memories?
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Scientific Philosophy: Time
Dillon Wheeler
How is time defined?
How is time travel defined?
I was very reluctant to go to the store today, but i went anyways. During the course of my travels, I kind of zoned out. When I arrived back home, I realized that I had just gone to the store and back, without thinking about it, I had not experienced the passing of time. It was almost as if I traveled through time from Point A to Point B. Point A being my room before going to the store. Point B being me after returning from the store. They are the same place (
my room), just at different intervals in time. In this sense, could I have time traveled? Is the secret to time traveling all in our minds? If so, is sleeping time traveling? What constitutes as traveling through time. Is it our physical bodies not aging? How is time defined in that sense? It doesn’t add up.
Time - defined as the continuum in which events occur in succession from the past to the present and on to the future. - Thanks Wikipedia.
So Point A came before Point B and Point C will come after Point B but Points A,B, and C are all the exact same thing just at different moments. So because they are all the same thing (my room) how could one come before the other? Seems like an impossibility to me for example:
If a room is sealed and left untouched, but observed five times over the course of five days, the concept of time means that the first observation comes before the second, second before the third, third before the fourth, and finally the fourth before the fifth. Nothing wrong with that right? Now, if the room is left untouched, completely sealed off, how does one distinguish between Points 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5? These observations are all events of the same thi
ng. But they are precisely the same thing, unchanged by time or anything else, so how do we know that time has affected these events differently? How do you tell the difference between point 2 and 5 for example? What does time show us that tells us there is a difference between point 2 and point 5? With that in mind, my real question is this:
Do inanimate objects experience time, does everything and nothing experience time, or do only animate objects experience time?
Time travel - the concept of moving between different points in time in a manner analogous to moving between different points in space, either sending objects (or in some cases just information) backwards in time to some moment before the present, or sending objects forward from the present to the future without the need to experience the intervening period (at least not at the normal rate). - Thanks again Wikipedia.
Time travel.
What is time travel exactly? Is it the jumping of time, or is it just experiencing time in itself? Wikipedia defines it above, but where did that definition come from? Can anybody really tell us what time travel truly is?
So time travel, using the previous example of the sealed off room, with the five separate observations at precise moments in time we have Point 1 = Day 1, 12 P.M, Point 2 = Day 2, 12 P.M, Point 3 = Day 3, 12 P.M, etc. With these points, and the concept of time travel (as defined above) in mind, could we consider the possibility that the room itself has traveled in time, or another possibility, stayed stationary? Indeed we could, lets take a look.
So Point 1 and Point 2 are exactly one day apart. The observations are photographs of the exact same area. By looking at Point 1 and Point 2 which are the same thing, one day apart, we see that, well, we don’t see anything. They are identical to each other, the only difference is the concept of time. Therefore, we can conclude there is a difference between the rooms, they are identical in every way, but there is a difference of time, the fourth dimension.
Now, my question is how do we know that the room itself, had not traveled through time during the time we had not observed the points? We have two images of the same thing, at different points. We had captured the room at two different events of time, but nothing else. There was nothing else to tell us that the room had experienced time as we experience it. Consequently it is possible that the room had in fact traveled forwards, or backwards in time, or that time itself is something only animate objects experience.
So your wondering what the
point of all of this is right?
Well at the beginning, I mentioned me going to the store and “zoning” out. Just like in our example of the sealed room. I had observed Point A and Point B. Point A being approximately Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 7:14 P.M, and Point B being approximately Tuesday, October 12, 2010 at 7:33 P.M.
- 7:33
= 0:19 minutes.
19 minutes were unaccounted for. Sure, I had gone and done these things, but it was my subconscious doing them, not me. (me as in my conscious)
So I have Point A and Point B and a difference of 19 minutes between the two. Now, just like the room example, Point A and Point B are exactly the same, therefore, did I experience the 19 minutes between the two? Or, did I (I being my conscious mind) travel through a wormhole or some other device that caused time travel? I know my body experienced the 19 minutes, but my conscious mind, did not. So just like the sealed room, which we would all agree experienced the 24 hours between the Points, my conclusion is, however unlikely, is that by zoning out, I traveled from Point A to Point B without experiencing the 19 minutes between them therefore effectively traveling through time in the sense that time is the continuation of events.
But I am not a physicist or a professional. I am merely a student attending a top five university in Canada (Not even majoring in Science... yet). My passion though is what I like to call the scientific philosophy, (May or may not be related to the philosophy of science, scientific philosophy is just what I call my methods of questioning things that I experience every day.) studying the aspect of everything relating to topics like reality, time, and the human mind, origin of everything, even religion. This entry I wrote is completely theoretical, meant for a philosophic approach to the concept of what time is and how it is measured. How you interpret it is completely up to you, I encourage questioning what I have concluded (positive criticism) as it promotes greater learning for everyone.
If you have made it this far, Thank You for reading!
- Dillon Wheeler
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The General Consensus of Society Today
By Dillon Wheeler
So what is happening to today’s (my) generation? We have all this technology at our disposal, much more than when my parents were my age, we have things like cellular phones, high definition and now 3D televisions, video games, computers and the internet, among other things. Most of us have grown up with these things, cherished them all our lives. They have made leaps and bounds on average intelligence. People are overall, smarter today than they were a few decades. So why is this important?
Art is eternal. Since the dawn of Man we have been expressing ourselves and humanity as a whole through art. Drawings, Paintings, Sculptures, Writing, Dance, Film, Music. All of these are only some of the ways we express ourselves. Drawings from Leonardo da Vinci, Paintings from Picasso, Sculptures like Michelangelo’s “David”. All are timeless works, studied and revered.
But now let’s take a look at some contemporary works, especially in music. What has happened to the days of the composer? The days of when music was actually music? Sure we still have some out there, but what about whats popular? Surely with all this technology and new found knowledge we could understand and appreciate the art of music.
And then we get the soul searching work of Soulja Boy.
“Soulja boy off in this hoe
Watch me lean and watch me rock
Super man that hoe
Then watch me crank that Robocop
Super fresh, now watch me jock
Jocking on them haters man
When I do that soulja boy
I lean to the left and crank that thang”
- Soulja boy Tell’em
If that doesn’t make you proud of all we, as human beings have accomplished, let’s take a look at another great contemporary poet of our time.
“They be like smooth(what?)
Can u teach me how to dougie?
You know why?
Cause all da ******* love me(aye)
All I need is a beat that's super bumpin
And for you, you, and you to back it up and dump it!
Put your arms out front, lean side to side
They gona be on you when they see you hit dat dougie right?
Aint nobody ****** wit my bro from morningside
He go by bubba and he hit dat dance wit thunder.”
- California Swag District
Do you see what I am talking about? Words like “He go by bubba and he hit dat dance with thunder.” Are oh so symbolic. Say them out loud at about half the speed you normally would, then tell me if they sound great to you. And I know, all new music is not like this, but the majority of the “popular” crap is. And sure, you could say songs like “Rocketman” or “Yello Submarine” are just a bad as music today. But you have to agree that shallow music was much rarer back then, than it is today.
So why did this happen?
The ideology that being a criminal, “Gangsta” was cool. Sure, it may be cool, but who will likely better humanity, The man who has a terrible vocabulary, and can hardly read or write and just want’s to get “crunk”, “slap dem hoes” or “pop bottles in the ice”? Or the intellectual man who goes to school, aspires to become something more, to make something of himself and enjoys learning.
Maybe now you see my pain.
I look at the world and the general consensus is that it is okay to aspire to be meaningless to society. U.S President Barrack Obama nailed it when he said,
"You are probably not that good a rapper. Maybe you are the next Lil Wayne, but probably not, in which case you need to stay in school."
Sure, Lil Wayne’s lyrics are terrible, but he did do one thing correct, become known for it. He may even try to send positive messages through the sounds he makes, dare I call it music. Good for him, but it does nothing to help people appreciate art and try to better express humanity.
But maybe I am wrong. Maybe music today will be revered and studied in the future. Perhaps society as a whole will benefit from these “Artists”, maybe people will study the symbols and the construction and the talent it took to string the words together. Maybe they will become known as the greatest poets in the history of Man. Just Maybe, but I doubt it.